Wednesday, 16 September 2015

LO1 - Research Analysing: - Entertainment/Downloads

YouTube Research And Analysis

1) The purpose for YouTube is to provide video entertainment to people that can be created and uploaded by anyone. YouTube is also 100% free which makes it completely available to anyone to view and watch. The target audience for YouTube can be any age, as it consists of videos for people of all ages to enjoy

2) YouTube satisfies the visitor needs for the site by being able to comment on videos and 'subscribe' to other users which allows the users to track the subscribed users videos. This provides a convenient system for feedback and video viewing. 

3) YouTube presents information to the audience in a table like fashion, also presenting a static navigation bar that is accessible at all times, meaning an increase in user convenience. A 'thumbnail' for videos is also used to provide the user with a view of the video to come.

4)Features for Youtube include having a search results page for people being able to search for youtube videos. Youtube also contains a subscriber database for accounts which allow channels to be tracked and notifications will be presented when the subscribed channel releases a new video. 

5) Benefits to having YouTube is that ad revenue provides content creators and Google means of payment for creating video. This also benefits advertises as they can widely distribute their brand so it is a win win for everyone.

6) Contents of the YouTube site include 'featured' which chooses the best videos of the week. Also 'Recommended' which uses a system to pick videos the site thinks you will enjoy based on previous videos.  YouTube also has a fully functional comment, liking and subscribing system which allows users to follow people who's content they enjoy. Finally YouTube uses a new HTML5 video player which allows the best quality of content to be loaded quickly and effectively.

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