Wednesday, 4 November 2015

LO2 - HIVE IT Website Design with Annotations


The website will contain:
- A hamburger navigation bar accessible on all browser sizes.
- Clouds which resize based on the browser size.
- Easy to follow information with graphics to assist.
- A Sky to earth based page with blue and green.
- A store with the purchasable system ( finished by HIVE IT)
- Access to Hive IT and their other platforms for cross promotion.
- A preview hive with generic information being shown from the Demo hives in the API
- A footer allowing copyright information and other links to be accessed quickly.

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

LO2 - Planning a multi-page website

LO2 - Planning a multi-page website.

Hive IT - I will be creating a PHP scripted website for "Hive IT's" API on monitoring Hives across the UK. It will need to:

Be scripted/coded by hand, allowing for interactions between the JSON located on the Hive IT website, and the website i will be scripting. 

Contain all the information required for a person to view the temperature and humidity of their hive.

Show why bees are important and what is currently happening in todays world that is an issue. 

The website must be modular, and allow easy access for new hives to access the same information.

Purpose of the site :- To provide live infographics on the health of British bees. live stats will be present to show the adoption status of bees along with bee's saved, bees still unhappy (dying) and live statistics and updates of bees. The site will also raise awareness of bees importance in the world and what people can do to save them (adoption, PDF information pack). The site will finally contain a small web-store which allows people to sponsor bees online or buy bee merchandise.

Target audience :- Companies/Small families interested in adopting bees to help preserve bees and sponsors to help people aware of the death of bees and how important they are to humanity. Small children located anywhere in the UK along with parents.

Resources Needed:
- Photoshop for creating the logo and assets.
- Internet access to view and develop the website.
- Paper / Pencil / Photoshop for sketching website designs.
- Dreamweaver for coding the website.
- AMPPS for testing PHP locally.

Legal and Ethical
- Photos of the hive equipment. 
- Usage for the Hive IT logo and for access to their open source API.
- I will have to reference where i get the photographs from if needed.
- Due to the specification allowing us to use Hive IT's assets, no explicit permission is needed.

Launch Date: 20th March 2016

Budget: As i hand coded my website, the budget would be £0 for creation. The website would however have to be hosted online which could either be done by already owned servers or through a different hosting provider. Hosting on comes to ~£1.80 monthly for access to everything minus the domain. However due to Hive IT already owning a domain and hosting, it could be run off of the same system, for no extra fee.

Potential Revenue: People would pay to have their hives data transmitted through to the website most likely on a monthly basis. This would pay for maintenance of the site as well as it's upkeeps. Advertisements through Google Adsense could also be used for extra revenue.

I will not need access to the demo hives, but instead to the Hive Data hosted by Hive IT's API.

Friday, 18 September 2015

LO1 - Research Analysing: - Information

BBC Bitesize

1) The purpose of bbc bite size is to educate students about different subjects in school from year 1 to GCSE level. The target audience therefore is young students within the years of 5 to 15.

2) Bitesize satisfies visitor needs to the site by consisting of neat information that can easily and simply be accessed at any point. A navigation bar provides the ability to navigate to different sections of the resources, and links provided on the main homepage allows users to simply navigate to educational resources based on academic year, subject and unit in said subject. Activities also mean that a target audience of younger ages can be included which allows educational resources for younger years.

3) Information is centralised on the document and a clean, easy to navigate design means that information is easily accessible to an audience of all ages. Resources are laid out in documents which include headings, text and activities. The navigation bar also contains a search bar allowing users to simply navigate to whichever page they desire, without the need of going through many hyperlinks to get there. 

4) Features for BBC bitesize is having a search results page for people being able to search for educational resources. BBC bitesize also has interactive features pulled from the server that can display random questions to any users

5) BBC Bitesize provides an educational resource due to needing this to become what the BBC is today. If the BBC did not provide this resource they are not living up to the recommended standard of BBC's contract to be funded.

6) BBC Bitesize contains a navigation menu which allows users to browse the website easily to get the where they need when they need.  It also allows 

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

LO1 - Research Analysing: - E-Commerce


1) The purpose of the IKEA site is to be an E-commerce website selling furniture and more recently food and accessories. The target audience therefore is people of all ages, but is aimed at more particularly adults who will be buying the products rather than children.

2) Ikea provides to the visitor needs with a search box for users to browse products. It also provides photo's of purchasable products and information about these products to the user. Visitor needs are also met by providing different language and price variations of the site which overall contribute to more users being able to understand the sold products.

3) Information is presented to the target audience in a table style. Products are each allocated a small section of page in which a user can click to view more information about the product. A navigation bar at the top allows the user to navigate to different sections of the website and categories are made to make navigation easier. 

4)Features for Ikea is having a search results page for people being able to search for furniture. Ikea also features a login system and shopping cart for people to use. 

5)Ikea provides an online shop for users to explore. This allows users to look at furniture that suits their needs without visiting the shop to begin with. Ikea also offers a planning system where you  can furnish an area to know what your room would look like.

6)Ikea uses a search system as well as pictures and text to allow users to search for, view and buy items that they want without leaving their homes. Ikea also contains a comment and login system to allow people to make accounts. 

LO1 - Research Analysing: - Advertisement


1) The purpose of imdb is to advertise films and Tv shows that have been recently released. As such they are part of the advertisement category. The site also offers trailers and ratings for many films. The target audience for this site is any age, however mostly aimed at teenagers to young adults.

2) IMDB satisfies visitor needs by providing clear, visible information to users from the very start of loading the site. It allows users to comment on films which allows new users to view ratings of the film. IMDB also satisfies user needs by displaying ratings for each film (in stars) out of 10. This allows users to quickly see whether the film is good or bad.

3) IMDB presents information to the user with a scroll style design; a film trailer being at top followed by description, cast, quotes and more information about the film the user is viewing. At the bottom comments are organised in a user selected order, meaning they can see why one user rated a film 1 star, or another rated it 10. 

4)Features for IMDB is having a search results page for people being able to search for films. It also has a login/account system which allows people to comment and store pages they enjoy onto their account

5)Benefits of IMDB is the ability to view ratings of films and cast before viewing them in the cinema. It also acts as an acting agency and will also force the film industry to create better films as they know ratings are important.

6)IMDB contains the ability to search for films and also view ratings and comments based on the film. This benefits both the consumer and creator as feedback can be received for a film

LO1 - Research Analysing: - Social Media


1) The purpose of Facebook – a social media outlet, is to provide the ability to communicate with family and friends anywhere in the world. It also allows users to upload, share and like videos, photos and other types of viewable media. The target audience is any age; although it is preferred amongst teenagers and young adults.

2) Facebook lives up to the visitor needs by providing the ability to comment on other users posts, allowing quick communication for a users posts. It also allows for live private (or group) chat between users. Facebook also has a 'Like' system which allows users to express emotion by liking a post that then appears on the users 'wall'. 

3) Facebook presents information to the audience in a scroll page style format, meaning you must scroll down the page to view older information. It also contains a static navigation bar which allows users to access their notifications and messages wherever they are. Facebook has a live chat feature (as mentioned previously) which are displayed in a box style format and once again can be accessed anywhere on the page.

4)Features for Facebook is having a search results page for people being able to search for users. Facebook also has a login database to store users profile pictures, account information and videos. It also has a comment database to view comments on any video or photo or status. 

5)Benefits of Facebook include the ability to like, comment and share videos and content which a user may enjoy. As well as the ability to advertise and promote content through the Facebook Promotion system. 

6)Facebook features a fully functional comment system, liking system and sharing system as well as the ability to upload unlimited photographs, videos and text at any moment.

LO1 - Research Analysing: - Entertainment/Downloads

YouTube Research And Analysis

1) The purpose for YouTube is to provide video entertainment to people that can be created and uploaded by anyone. YouTube is also 100% free which makes it completely available to anyone to view and watch. The target audience for YouTube can be any age, as it consists of videos for people of all ages to enjoy

2) YouTube satisfies the visitor needs for the site by being able to comment on videos and 'subscribe' to other users which allows the users to track the subscribed users videos. This provides a convenient system for feedback and video viewing. 

3) YouTube presents information to the audience in a table like fashion, also presenting a static navigation bar that is accessible at all times, meaning an increase in user convenience. A 'thumbnail' for videos is also used to provide the user with a view of the video to come.

4)Features for Youtube include having a search results page for people being able to search for youtube videos. Youtube also contains a subscriber database for accounts which allow channels to be tracked and notifications will be presented when the subscribed channel releases a new video. 

5) Benefits to having YouTube is that ad revenue provides content creators and Google means of payment for creating video. This also benefits advertises as they can widely distribute their brand so it is a win win for everyone.

6) Contents of the YouTube site include 'featured' which chooses the best videos of the week. Also 'Recommended' which uses a system to pick videos the site thinks you will enjoy based on previous videos.  YouTube also has a fully functional comment, liking and subscribing system which allows users to follow people who's content they enjoy. Finally YouTube uses a new HTML5 video player which allows the best quality of content to be loaded quickly and effectively.

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Learning outcomes for this unit

LO1: Understand a range of contrasting websites (P)
LO2: (D)
LO3: (D)
LO4: (P)
LO5: (M)